Better yet, just ask yourself, "What Would Candyland Do?" Personally, I'd keep my arm. I'm not sure how I'd clip my toenails or shave delicate areas (sorry) with only one upper limb. If you're scratching your head on the decision, take a look at Moon Rat's carefully constructed answer, (thesis, really), over on Editorial Ass.
You can find the HOT debate by clicking HERE.
Also, to prevent any loss of limb, check out this book:
I'd keep the leg. I could totally learn how to type one-handed. Although my right-handed handwriting is soooo bad.
Maybe learning to write with your feet would surpass bad right-hand handwriting.
And you'd probably be the coolest person ever if you had one hand and two feet but refused to use your hand. Imagine eating in public.
I'm rethinking my answer now just to see if I could pull this scenario off.
I might keep my arm too. I mean, there are wheelchairs right?
Exactly. AND a prosthetic leg might be easier than arm, too. And they look less freaky-deaky.
Yes, I say arm as well. It would be too difficult running down my little ones without 2 legs.
Ack! I can't decide! I'd have to flip a coin. But really, couldn't I just shave my head instead?
Oh Linda you'd still be beautiful. Hardly fair.
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