Wanna be in Pennsylvania. They obviously moved to Ohio and can't wait to get back to the PA. Or PV, or maybe it's a Pirate Village. Who knows?-Matthew Rush
Its probably supposed to say "Wanna be in TV" but they are so cracked out, they couldnt spell it correctly.
Maybe some reality tv flunkie.-Robin Lucas
Because I love him so...
It clearly says "Read Numb, by Sean Ferrell."
You're welcome.-Sean, himself
And then, there were the voices of reason:
Frequent travelers to Mexico refer to Puerto Vallarta as PV, so that's my guess: Wanna be in PV. Could be an older couple with a second home there, perhaps.-Tawna Fenske
I got nothing.-Kelly Breakey
I have no effing idea what it meant and fortunately for me, I'll have the rest of my life to let it simmer. And as much as I wish it would leave my head, I'm sure it won't. Ever. Now...Without further adieu, the winner of the New Meds prize pack is...commenter # 19~ Kelly Breakey!!! I still have your address from your J2W shirt order, so I'll ship out ASAP!
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Yes, this is the jinkfest version of Random.org. But it works.\ |
-Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
-Liar by Justine Larbalestier
-Picture the Dead by Lisa Brown and Adele Griffin
-Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble
If you want to win:
Leave a comment with your email +1
If you want extra entries, do the usual Tweeting/FBooking/Blogging, etc. and add 1 point per promo.
Tally those babies up in your comment also because I was never very good at math and really I just don't wanna. Sorry, but not open internationally. Contest ends Wednesday September 1st and winners announced Thursday the 2nd because Friday the 3rd Candyland will be blogging from a new location, with less pace.
If you don't need books, but still want to comment, please do! You know Candyland loves it. Now go wash your hands before I tell you stuff. Secret stuff. Go ahead. I'll be waiting.
Random Fact: I once worked a short stint at a facility for the mentally retarded. When I say short, I mean 2 weeks. I ended up leaving because on my last day of training, we had the grand tour which involved watching clients undress and bathe. I'm not sure if it was the smell of the place or the lack of clothing or what, but I passed out. Then, an hour later. I passed out again. Then at the end of the day, when an older man was stripped and placed into the tub, I passed out AGAIN. They sent me home.
Random Fact: Besides being a fat Tiny Dancer, I was also a fat karate kid. I was briefly infatuated with kicking asses and taking names. Mentally, I'm still at that place, but physically...meh...better than when I was nine.
Thhhaannnkkkkssss. That was very veryVERY nice today. I've missed your touch. And you know how tense I was after the missed New Meds show. Now I feel great! That should last me another week.
So friends, I've got a TEN YEAR reunion to go to tomorrow. Did you/have you/will you go to yours?
Candyland. OUT.
Did I miss something? Are you moving house? Cool! Where to?
I went to my ten year reunion two years ago. Holy moly it was a crack up! Enjoy it!
Well you shouldn't have brought the stupid license plate up again, now I'm all flustered because I can't figure it out *huffs* life just isn't fair.
Sounds like you got some good reads to giveaway, I've read Linger (more like devoured) but the others have certainly peaked an interest.
10 year reunion??? My husband decided not to go to his, but in a town of 251 people you pretty much know what everyone is doing anyway so it isn't worth it. Don't hit me... or hate me... but I haven't been to my yet, I'm still a few years away!
I didn't go to my 10th reunion. Not sure who did. But our school doesn't do the typical anniversary. It's more like for everyone who graduated during the past ten, twenty, wherever years.
I missed your blog while I was away. Yay, soon I'll be able to visit it regularly again (once the kids are back at school). :D
I'm with Jess, and apparently I missed more than that. How did I miss the vanity plate thing?? Oh, man. I'm trying to stay clear of the blogosphere on Tues/Thurs.
Reunion - your 10th with be no different then high school. Wear what pissed them off back then.
You pass out at the sight of naked people? Must make your sex life a little awkward. ;)
Oh gosh. My 10 year.... yeah we won't go there. But picturing you in karate class pretty much made my day.
I won! I won! I won! In case you can't see I am doing the happy dance. Around the office and down the hall. Now I am doing my oohh-oohh and letting everyone know that I just won. They don't care.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can't wait to get the CD. Promise to tell you what I think after I listen to it.
Have a great time at the Reunion!
when my reunion comes up I almost want to pass...but who knows what I'll do when the time comes :)
i never got over wigging at the sight of nakey people when i was a nurse's aid... but at least i never fainted! poor thing!
my ten year reunion is happening sometime this summer a few states away. and while some of those people were lovely... i couldn't wait to get out of high school, and i really don't want to go back!
ca5well at aol dot com
I'm still pondering over the license plate. lol.
We don't really have huge high school reunions here in the UK, but it would be funny to see what everyone turned out like. :)
I don't do reunions but ... I want Linger, that's the first one right? I'll mytwatface it! Comment +1 my twat face +2 so I get 3!
Enjoy the move, is it going to be a bigger, awesomeer, more comfy place for Beth?
I must have missed the "move" news. I hope it's someplace awesome! Great random facts, as always. I think under the circumstances, I'd have passed out, too. Have fun at your ten year. I did not go to mine...but I wish I had now.
Dang--missed the stupid vanity plate AND that you're moving... awesome! New digs!
Karate kid, eh. Never did it, always fascinated. Do you pronounce it all weird and stuff now?
That mental hospital gig sounded... like good material for a book! Have a great weekend~ :o)
I love your random.
Have fun at your reunion! Mine is coming up in a few years, and I have yet to decide if I'll be attending.
I'm feeling reallllllly old! Let's say I had my ten year reunion almost 10 years ago...
Will you give me one point in your drawing? I know that's pitiful. :( I've been dealing with bck to school teenage drama...
skmayh at q dot com
Have a ball at your reunion! I did!
I'm leaving a comment with email and a cool award for you. :)
Check it out...
email: alisonmiller20@gmail.com
One entry :) My email address is silverfalcon42@gmail.com
3 times? Poor you.
Yay, books!
My brain can't process much more than that right now, sorry.
Oh wow I know what you mean about the mentally challenged. I used to babysit a girl from my highschool who was in special ed. And I had to change her diaper and wipe and all that. It was a little bit much. And felt like I had a kid of my own (def REALLY wanted to keep it in my pants after that) ha. But you really had a severe reaction. It must have been a bit overwhelming.
Ha and you should sooooo do kickboxing. You feel like you're beating up a mo-fo and so hardcore when your punching and sweating and kicking. It's a BLAST!
Hey and checked out new meds like you said and they remind me a bit of the offspring only harder and more punk. I LIKE IT! My faves were Baby's gone and The takeover.
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