Monday, May 23, 2011


Sorry for the delay, to the one or two of you who might actually read my pointless thoughts. Candyland came down with food poisoning this weekend, and though I started to feel better yesterday, I'm sort of blargh today. Sure, I got BR80 hugs Friday. And sure, it was the hubs's bday. And I have lots to say about nothing. But as for today, this is all I have.

Until tomorrow...blargh.

Candyland. OUT.


Magan said...

Eeeek! I hope you are okay. Did your husband nurse you back to health?

Linda G. said...

Ugh. Hope you feel better soon!

Robyn Lucas said...

Sorry to hear about your food poisoning, sweetie. But I can't help but chuckle whenever I hear the words "food poisoning" because i just saw the movie Bridesmaids and it had an absolutely hilarious scene that had to deal with food poisoning.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, poor Candace! I hope you feel better soon. And happy birthday to your hubs! :-)

Unknown said...

Yuck! So sorry to hear you were sick. Feel better!! <3

Talli Roland said...

Oh... ick. Feel better soon.

Lindsay said...

Oh no. Hope you are feeling better. I had food poisoning after Christmas... it was AWFUL. *Hugs*

Matthew MacNish said...

That's hot.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Yuck! Feel better. :)

Colene Murphy said...

Awe crap!! Last thing you needed was food poisoning!! I'm so sorry. Hope you feel better soon!!

Julie said...

Feel better! I've never had it, knock on wood.

Heather said...

Oh no, food poisoning! You poor thing. I've had that once and it sucked the big one. No pun intended. Okay, maybe a little one. LOL! I'll stop now. ;)

Southpaw said...

That is the worst. Sorry to hear your still feeling icky. Hope you feel better soon.

Abby Minard said...

Oh no! Hope you feel better soon :( Glad you had a nice time at the concert and hubs bday.

Vicki Rocho said...

Cute ad, but the thought of eating hot dogs after being sick is enough to cause a relapse. And I kinda like hot dogs!

Unknown said...

Yikes... not exactly the weekend anyone would hope for.

I saw my first Roller Derby. No one got sick. I just wanted to share.